πŸ“£ Just announced: Redpanda Connect with Ockam β€” the world's first zero-trust data streaming platform. Learn more! πŸŽ‰

Your private data needs a database that stays private

Data connectivity, security, and credential management for InfluxDB that's so simple it's deployed in minutes

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Private databases stay private

Your InfluxDB hasn't had its port exposed to the public internet, and so there is no route for third-parties to access your server.

Encrypted in transit

The secure channel that is established between your nodes is encrypted end-to-end. Each node generates its own cryptographic keys, and is issued its own unique credentials. They then use these to establish a mutually trusted secure channel between each other. By removing the dependency on a third-party service to store or distribute keys you're able to reduce your vulnerability surface area and eliminate single points of failure.

Identity & Attribute Based Access Control

Authorization to even establish a route to the InfluxDB database is tied to the unique identity of the client requesting access, which is both more flexible in terms of supporting modern and often dynamic deployment approaches and also more clearly aligns with your intentions around access control. If the client is able to establish trust that they are who they say they are then they are able to route their packets to the database. Contrast that to historical approaches with permanent access decisions based on assumptions about the remote network (e.g. is this request coming from an IP addess we have pre-authorized?). This is in addition to the authentication and authorization controls on the InfluxDB database itself which will continue to work as they always have.


The combination of all of the above means that the only way to access the InfluxDB database is over a secure channel, which means all communication is encrypted in transit irrespective of any misconfiguration at either end (e.g., HTTP/TLS not being enabled). And because each node exchanges credentials with each other rather than sharing a common certificate or shared encryption key you can also be sure that no other parties in the supply-chain are able to modify the data in transit. The data you receive at the consumer is exactly what was sent by your clients. And that only authorized clients can write to InfluxDB, ensuring that the data in your topic is highly trustworthy.

Reduced vulnerability surface area

Ockam simplifies client access concerns by exposing all remote services as local services. We call this virtual adjacency. When all remote components of an application become virtually adjacent to every other component, then the security and trust complexity of the entire network, the entire infrastructure, the entire internet is completely abstracted away. All third party intermediaries are removed from the app's vulnerability surface.

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